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Semaine du 15/12 au 21/12/2014
À qui profite le miel ? #DATAGUEULE 20
La Quadrature du Net c’est terminé.
Menacée de disparition, La Quadrature du Net lance un appel aux dons
La Quadrature du Net risque de disparaître !
Campagne express de soutien : la Quadrature du Net sauvée ?
#LQDN va crever : la démocratie citoyenne peut la sauver
Actualités de la semaine
- Lundi 15/12/2014
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- Mardi 16/12/2014
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- Mercredi 17/12/2014
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- Jeudi 18/12/2014
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- Vendredi 19/12/2014
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- Samedi 20/12/2014
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- Dimanche 21/12/2014
I was working on an ad in the final stages of the retouch, weeks after the photoshoot, which the client attended and was happy with. He had called it done and finished after just a few shots, but was persuaded to let the photographer take a few extra frames, just in case. He had also chosen the images and was happy with the first drafts.
Client: I love it, but I realized that it was shot a bit too much to the right. I need you to turn the camera around so it was photographed from the model’s profile and so you can see more of the buildings in the back.
Me: it is not possible to “move the camera” without going back to the photographer and redoing the shot.
Client: No, not redoing anything. Just move the camera in Photoshop a few meters to the left around the model so we see him in profile.
Me: Um, what I meant by “it is not possible,” is that it is not technically possible without redoing the shoot. It is a flat image, and not a 3d model. To reposition the camera we need to actually reposition the camera and retake the image since we have no source material to grab anything from.
Client: Well, I know you have a magic something-something in your computer. So just do the magic. I need it tomorrow, good evening.
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