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Semaine du 07/09/2019 au 13/10/2019
Actualités de la semaine
Samedi 12/10/2019
Dimanche 13/10/2019
Client: Can I get 1000 copies of a book shipped to a convention this weekend? I haven’t quite finished layout yet.
Me: So, you are new to the whole print on demand concept I take it?
Client: The layout will be done Monday or Tuesday.
Me: After the convention you want to sell 1000 copies at is over?
Client: Yes, we’d like to make a big splash at the show. It’ll be awesome.
Me: Yes, being able to time travel to the future to get the final version of the book would be awesome.
- À l'affiche
- Culture
- Critiques / analyses
- Art / créations
- Détente
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