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Semaine du 11/08 au 17/08/2014
Actualités de la semaine
- Lundi 11/08/2014
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- Mardi 12/08/2014
- Mercredi 13/08/2014
- Jeudi 14/08/2014
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- Vendredi 15/08/2014
- Samedi 16/08/2014
- Dimanche 17/08/2014
Penetration “Tester”
A while back, I posted a job application as a backend web developer and penetration tester
Client: Cheer up! I got the perfect job for you!
Me: What’s the job?
Client: I want you to hack websites for me and add my advertisement to their index!
Me: Other than that being illegal, that is not my job.
Client: Why the hell are you a penetration tester then?!
Me: The keyword is “tester.”
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